ارزیابی کیفیت زندگی در نواحی روستایی، (مطالعۀ موردی : دهستان خاوۀ شمالی، استان لرستان)


1 استادیارگروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس

2 دانشیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس

3 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد جغرافیا و برنامه‎ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس


قرن‎ها است که مردم به دنبال زندگی خوب بوده‎اند و انسان‎ها پیوسته برای بهبود شرایط زیست خود، کوشیده‎اند تا از استعدادها و توانمندی‎های محیط زندگی خود، به بیشترین میزان و بهترین نحو بهره‎برداری کنند. در این میان همواره مسئله اصلی این بوده است که: زندگی مطلوب چیست؟ تعاریف و شاخص‎های گوناگونی ـ اعم از عینی و ذهنی ـ در مورد کیفیت زندگی مطرح شده‎اند، که همین خود ارائه تعریف واحد و مورد پذیرش وفاق جهانی را در شناسایی شاخص‎های مناسب و اندازه‎گیری آنها با مشکل روبه‎رو ساخته است.
در این مقاله سعی شده است که به این پرسش اصلی پاسخ داده شود که ویژگی‎های کیفیت زندگی از دیدگاه جامعه نمونه کدام‎اند، تا از این طریق ابعاد و شاخص‎های کیفیت زندگی تعریف شود و در نهایت مدل مفهومی مناسبی برای تعیین شاخص‎ها و سنجش کیفیت زندگی در مناطق روستایی ارائه گردد. روش پژوهش در تحقیق حاضر، توصیفی ـ پیمایشی و مبتنی بر تکمیل پرسشنامه است. داده‎های تحقیق از 10 روستای دهستان خاوه شمالی (تمامی روستاهای دارای بالاتر از 20 خانوار انتخاب شده‎اند) به دست آمده، و سپس از طریق تکمیل پرسشنامه نزد 150 نفر از سرپرستان خانوارها ـ که از طریق فرمول کوکران محاسبه شدند ـ به وسیل? نرم‎افزار SPSS مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفته است. یافته‎ها نشان می‎دهند که بر اساس دیدگاه‎های جامعه نمونه، کیفیت آموزش، کیفیت محیط مسکونی، کیفیت محیط فیزیکی، و نیز کیفیت درآمد و اشتغال پایین‎تر از حد متوسط ارزیابی شده‎اند. کیفیت سلامت و امنیت و کیفیت کالبدی جامعه نمونه در حد متوسط ارزیابی شده است؛ و در مجموع از نظر ابعاد کیفیت زندگی دهستان خاوه شمالی، روستاها در دو طبقه قرار می‎گیرند، که در طبقه یک روستاهای کفراج، سراب غضنفر و ایرانشاهی با بالاترین سطح کیفیت زندگی و رضایتمندی جای دارند؛ و در طبقه دو روستاهای کرم‎اللهی، شترخفت، عزیزآباد، سرخانجوب علیا، زلیوار، گاوبازه، و نورمحمد زمانه با پایین‎ترین سطح کیفیت زندگی و رضایتمندی قرار می‎گیرند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Assessment Quality of Life (QLA) in Rural Areas (Case Study: Northern Khâvé Village, Lorestan Province)

نویسندگان [English]

  • M. Pourtaheri 1
  • A.R. Eftekhari 2
  • A. Fatahi 3
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract

From long centuries, people have been following a good life and for this intention they have been trying to improve their lives as well as their environmental conditions, to become enable to receive the uppermost benefit. from their talents and abilities but the real problem have always been the quality of good life. The definitions, models, and subjective and objective different indicators were posed among a vast range of fields, but providing a global definition, identify appropriate indicators and also measuring quality of life have been remained as a problem. In this paper the authors were trying to answer this question, that what is the conditional quality of life from sampling view. In this framework they enable definition as well as of quality of life indicators and at the end they presented a conceptual model for electing indicators and assessment quality of life.

The characteristics the method of the research a descriptive and analytic. In the present study, in order to recognize the qualiticaive indicators of life in rural areas, one hundred fifty persons were randomly selected among the mentioned rural society, associated with ten villages were randomly selected to fill out the prepared questionnaires. Then, by using SPSS software, one-sample T-Test and ANOVA were run to analyze the data.

Result and Discussion
The economic development literature advance three main approaches to development: the growth - centered, the state-centered, and the people-centered approach. Here, the people –centered (quality of life, QOL) approach is utilized to response to questions about QOL in study region. Currently , there is a great deal of interests in exploring policies and practices that enhance wellbeing rather than economic growth. Some authors argue that growth-centered and state-centered approaches are insufficient to assess human wellbeing. So they need to be complemented by nonmonetary indicators of quality of life. QOL is similar to wellbeing concept and is a function of people life circumstances, which of course have an economic dimension , but also includes their social networks, their health and their sense of worth as well as the sustainably of environment on which they depend. Based up on the mentioned approach, the results of the study show that education, housing quality, physical environment, income and employment conditions are below the average in the Dehestan Khaveh Shomali; but healthy, satisfy and physical conditions are in average. Also results show that the villages of dehestan Khaveh Shomali are two categorized in term of all dementions of quality of life. The first includes villages Kafraj, Sarab Ghazanfar and Iranshahi in which there is a high level of quality of life and satisfaction. The second cast includes in which have low level of quality of life and satisfaction.

This paper examines the quality of life indicators in rural regions in a people-centered approach. The analysis utilizes data obtained from a survey questionnaire administered to a random sample of 150 residents in Dehestan Khaveh Shomali. Quality of life is measured by a four-point categorical measure of overall satisfaction includes economic, social, physical and environmental satisfaction. The empirical results show that the majority of indicators of quality of life such as education , healthy and safety , leisure , housing, infrastructures , employment , income and environmental quality are below the average in rural centers. So, the results suggest that economic, social, physical and environmental dimensions of quality of life are far from optimum conditions. In this regards, it is necessary to enhance wellbeing and economic growth in rural areas.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Dehestan Khaveh Shomali.
  • quality of life
  • Rural Development
  • Subjective and objective indicators