مقایسه‎ی تطبیقی ـ تحلیلی مدل‎های سلسله‎مراتبی، محاسبه‎گر رستری و هم‎پوشانی وزن برای شناسایی و اولویت‎بندی توسعه‎ی بافت‎های مرکزی شهرها(مطالعه‎ی موردی: محلّه‎ی عیدگاه مشهد)


1 دانشیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد

2 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد جغرافیا و برنامه‎ریزی شهری، دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد


هر نوع مطالعه‎ای بر پایه‎ی روش و شیوه‎ای است و نقش این شیوه‎ها در نتایج حاصل از پژوهش بسیار مهم است. چنانچه شیوه‎های مناسب انعطاف‎پذیری برای تحلیل اطلاعات انتخاب نشود، امکان دست‎یابی به نتایج پذیرفتنی با ضرایب اجرایی بالا کاهش می‎یابد. با توجّه به اهمّیّت شیوه‎های پژوهش، هدف از این مقاله ضمن معرّفی سه مدل تحلیل سلسله‎مراتبی، محاسبه‎گر رستری و هم‎پوشانی وزنی با سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی، ارزیابی و بیان توانایی سه مدل در تحلیل و انتخاب مکان‎های بالقوّه اولویّت‎دار و مقایسه‎ی آنها برای احیای محلّه‎های مرکزی شهرها از جمله محلّه‎ی عیدگاه شهر مشهد است. ویژگی این پژوهش، ترکیب کردن مدل‎ها با تحلیل فضایی آن است. فرضیه‎ی پژوهش بر این است که این سه مدل، تفاوت معنادار با یکدیگر در شناسایی مکان‎های بالقوّه برای احیا ندارند. برای آزمون این فرضیه و دست‎یابی به هدف پژوهش، پس از تشریح مدل نظری، کشیدن دیاگرام سلسله‎مراتبی، تعیین اهداف، شاخص‎ها و گزینه‎ها مشخّص شدند، سپس ویژگی کالبدی 761 قطعه املاک محلّه‎ی عیدگاه به وسعت 16 هکتار با استفاده از پرسش‎نامه به‎صورت میدانی برداشت شد. نخست نقشه‎های محلّه‎ی عیدگاه براساس شاخص‎های انتخابی از حالت بُرداری به رستری تبدیل شدند و به‎دلیل ماهیّت متفاوت شاخص‎ها با یکدیگر، آنها را یکنواخت کرده و به‎صورت جداگانه در مدل‎های تحلیل سلسله‎مراتبی، محاسبه‎گر رستری، هم‎پوشانی وزنی در نرم‎افزار GIS اجرا شد که نتیجه‎ی حاصل به‎صورت نقشه‎ای در سه طبقه ارائه شد. در هر سه مدل، محدوده‎ی مورد مطالعه به سه طبقه‎ی نواحی اولویّت‎دار، نواحی با اولویّت کم، نواحی با اولویّت بالا برای احیا و بازسازی مشخّص شد. نتایج حاصل از پژوهش بیانگر کارایی مدل‎ها در شناسایی مناطق بالقوّه برای توسعه در فرایند احیای محلّه‎های مرکزی شهرها است، ولی کارایی مدل هم‎پوشانی وزنی در مقایسه با سایر مدل‎ها بهتر و فرضیه پژوهش رد شد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

The Comparative Comparison of AHP, Raster calculators and weighed Overly Analytical Models, for Recognition and Preference of Cities Central Tissues Development(The Case Study: Mashhad Celebration Quarter’s)

نویسندگان [English]

  • M. R. Rahnama 1
  • mehdi kazemi biniaz 2
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract

Human always meet problems that need various factors for analyses. However every factor is not equivalent and for making a goad decision must use appropriate technique. If don’t chose appreciate and flexible for analyze, will decrease access to acceptable results with high performance shush as
Important problem we meet now is reclamation worn textures and central sector of city Because base on the presented data from mangers of Housing and urban planning ministry there are about 50000 H Urban worn textures in country and government able provide 11.2% required funds for rehabilitation and the rest must provide by citizen partnership. On the other hand on of the government aims is providing house by rehabilitation of worn textures for people until provide 2 million house by rehabilitation 14000 H of urban worn texture. To reach this aim we need 13000 milliard Tomans also, in new urban politics has intensify Suburbia to new urbanism because of pollution and rate of using oils and compact city strategy and acceptance development from inside strategy instead of development to outside and rehabilitation of worn texture old city central and development Abandoned Lands city central has determined for confront sporadic city development.
In attention to importance of techniques in this research ,the aim of this paper while introducing 3 models Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP),Raster calculator ,weighed overlay with Geographic information system (GIS) estimate and expression ability 3 models in analyzing and choosing potential priorities sites and compare then for reclamation ancient neighborhoods in central of cities such as Eidah neighborhood of Mashhad. Property of this research is combine models with spatial analyze.
The models is used in this research provide possibility using of factor with various importance for making a decision in attention to introduction a question is discussed is have these models same results or not ? Thus below hypothesis form that models with together have no differences in recognizes sectors have priority for reclamation in terms of number and extension and spatial variety.

This research has confirmed three parts 1- describing of models 2- explanation essential properties of Eidgah neighborhood 3- performance of models in GIS and compare results For accessing to aim of research used analyses – descriptive method. Statistic social of research is Mashhad and case study is Eidgah neighborhood.For reaching the aim of passages and permanent of constructions. Each indicator has divided in sectors and gave each a score. Then skeletal features of 761 pieces of Eidgah neighborhood in extension 16hectare have recorded. The information had recorded and entered. The GIS and then maps of Eidgah neighborhood base on selected indifferent entities of indicators has uniformed them and separate in models AHP, Raster calculator, weighed overlay has performed in GIS.
The base of AHP is Paired Comparison and determining priority of elements. Weighed overlay model has abilities that have been used in make decision with various indicators and various importance. In this model in attention to rate of importance of indicators, assigned a score that predicate on value of indicator. Raster calculator model also is a mean has presented by Gis that can score the indicators and their Subgroups and mingle indicators and combine different layers together that results presented in a map at 3 categories.In each model study area determined in priority area, low priority area and without priority for reclamation.

Results and Discussion
The results of using AHP, Raster calculator, weighed overlay models of in order to recognition talented area for rehabilitation and reconstruction city tissue show that they could recognize top priority section in attention 5 indicators. For rehabilitation and reconstruction also, the results show that all section in studied area are not for rehabilitation while according to housing and urban planning ministry all Eidgah area considered as worn textures. So con be resulted that areas recognize as worn textures in cities form housing ministry section on that area don’t need rehabilitation and ,also in attention to results the hypothesis in this search refused because the results of three models differ in number of section, spatial transmittance and extent of sections.

Finally, has suggested that in rehabilitation of worn textures in city centers we need testing various models and reconstruction, this paper clear the problem somewhat and is a guide for executive management. In rehabilitation and reconstruction of worn textures and city centers, also housing and urban planning ministry for recognition of worn textures in cities needs to exert supplement indicator to accelerate worn textures rehabilitation process. Finally, among three models are used in this paper base on field visiting’s in studied area clarified weighed overlay model has better efficiency into other models.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Central Tissue
  • Eidgah District.
  • Mashhad
  • model