مکان‎یابی و اولویت‎بندی پارک‎های شهری با استفاده از روش تحلیل سلسله‎مراتبی TOPSIS و سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی (مطالعه‎ی موردی: شهر الشتر)


1 استادیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشگاه زابل

2 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد، رشته جغرافیا و برنامه¬ریزی شهری، دانشگاه زابل


Extended Abstract

Urban green space, including major applications and major cities considered that it comes as breathing lungs of cities is mentioned. Since urban space filled with smoke, tail, noise machines, factories, and motorized equipment is urban green spaces urban places that people only hours away from family and friends along with rest and pay a stylized.
Due to urban green space to walk and Places of public and private gardens is a new innovation, ornamental gardens, by the ancient Egyptians and Greeks in the period is to create and maintain. Hanging Gardens of Babylon in the year 600 BC and established as one of the Seven Wonders of the World are famous (Hosseinzadeh, 1992: 12). Urban green space to a level of urban land cover man plant construction, which is also eligible for "social efficiency" and meet "ecological efficiency" are (Saieydyniya, 2004: 29). Green Space in Urban Development from the perspective of the aspects involved in that type of vegetation has been established as a vital factor and live alongside the inanimate body of the city determines the morphology of a city building. The one hand, urban open space, green space available on the receiver and the other as potential areas for development of urban green spaces are proposed (Sharifi, 8: 63). In the twenty-first century as a useful means green parks beautification enjoying fruitful trees and vegetables, green decorative alternative as currently using ornamental trees and plants such as grass cover is formed, will be. Urban Parks in the middle of this century, involved a city farms, cultivated areas, and agricultural greenhouses grow vegetables will do. Desirable for access to land use causes, such as local shops and local parks, chain stores and replace the single large parks are scattered and the desire to build several small local park where a park focused on building great strength of will in the future (Ghoddusi, 2002: 51). The importance of urban green space can be said that today climate influenced by the processes of urban density and concentration of activities in cities, it has been transformed so that the area of urban studies, and apart from a specific climate area studied. Works through the reduction of urban green space on urban ecology, particularly in the areas of climate, air, soil, groundwater and animal community is made, it is so severe that the constructive elements in the urban environment is transformed (Rahnema, 1992: 255).
Since the objectives of urban planning, health, comfort, beauty, sense of security in the city environment is suitable for an urban park factors people can share their opinion about the desirability, so the ultimate goal of this study are as follows:
People using your comments in the best city park model TOPSIS Prioritization according to city parks for equipping people to make more of them by the authorities providing solutions to increase efficiency and reduce public spending and reform the way deciding where switching Park City.
Providing solutions to provide comfort and prosperity for all segments of society and thus help to provide social justice in the city Based on this hypothesis to the research project are:
Model of decision making and TOPSIS GIS can be the best, most appropriate level of city parks and prioritize based on your specific citizens and be known.
In this article, try using TOPSIS Model and GIS and incorporate the views and opinions of the city parks people Alashtar be graded and prioritized to be the best city parks with regard to factors expressed in clear and specific.
Alashtar urban located in Lorestan province (western of Iran). Alashtar longitude Geography 54 14 48 and latitude 32 51 33 are located. The city Alashtar city (or series) is. The central part of city center is also Alashtar. According to census statistics center of Iran, Alashter city's population in 1385 was equal to 57,033 persons. Of these, 28,934 were male and the rest were female. This is 11,964 households. Population of Alashtar city is "about 30,000 people.

In this research, using research papers, descriptive, analytical and field observations and survey using real parks (people) data collected needed which means that information obtained in the first step decision-making matrix to scale by a matrix non-scale Entropy technique to calculate the index weights and scale matrix non-scale by the square matrix W n*m element of matrix multiplication and non-scale were obtained in harmonized scale Step ideal positive and negative indicators for each step and earned the fourth level from any item of positive and negative ideal and achieved levels close to the fifth step of each option relative to the ideal solution calculated in step Ranking sixth was to options. And digital data and digital maps stored in the database and the layering and integration of relevant maps and action plan has included the prioritization and best plan that Park City was determined.
Results and Discussion
Data where needed as the current map scale of 1:1500 was Alashtar city took so desired digital map information was needed in storage in databases. Then, given the existing layers taken from the desired output maps, respectively. Also, data that people rated their city authorities took place in the respective tables and matrices were used TOPSIS model that the six stages are given below.
Step One: the decision matrix, without the scale, we used type scale without making Norm has been made.
In the first phase gradient map produced for this work we have used the map DEM slope map of the city and the suburbs we provide. In the second stage to create space and distance map of parks and paths were provided. In the third step for determining the conditions of high security, more resources, beautiful landscape, an area suitable for stage IV classification in this layer, which was prepared before the appropriate information in the table, each of them 1 to 10 Class were classified. Finally, using mathematical overlap overlapping layers took.
Based on research findings show that the hypothesis with the help of models and GIS TOPSIS best city parks and city parks Alashtar priorities were identified, which prioritized parks having the most positive factor had been performed.

Using functional models and powerful today, and guarantee a necessity and effectiveness successful Land use in urban and rural management. The study methods (TOPSIS and GIS) have been used, on this basis, each of the city parks of the components mentioned study, analysis has been in six steps as TOPSIS Park Prioritization has been. In the second phase data components listed information from each of the parks into the GIS priority has been to this park also occur. In the third stage results TOPSIS model and GIS were combined and the final results and prioritize the best Park City Parks has been made. The results have shown that the Park Astvoei with CL (out) 0.783 Best and highest priority is the rock park with CL 0.743. The second priority, with Rajai Park CL 0.591. The third priority and Bahonar Park with CL 0.170, fourth priority is located. Therefore, using GIS models can be applied and ability our better contraceptive use and applications of urban land and equipment and make other Land use to benefit from the current cost of duplication that increases the city.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Locate and Prioritize Urban Parks Using GIS and TOPSIS Model (The Case Study: Alashtar City)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Gharib Fazelniya 1
  • A. Kiani 1
  • H. Mahmodian 2
چکیده [English]

فضای سبز شهری از مهم‎ترین کاربری‌های شهری است که از آن همانند شش‌های تنفسی شهرها یاد می‌کنند. این کاربری می‌تواند بیشترین نقش را در تغییر هوای شهر و شادابی مردم داشته باشد؛ پس این کاربری می‌بایست مؤلّفه‌هایی چون امکانات، زیبایی، امنیّت، دسترسی راحت، توزیع مناسب در سطح شهر و مساحت مناسب داشته باشد تا بتواند نقش خود را به‌درستی انجام دهد و مورد استقبال خانواده‌ها قرار گیرد. شهر الشتر ازجمله شهرهایی است که پارک‎های آن از لحاظ داشتن مؤلّفه‌های یاد شده در وضعیّت مناسبی نیست و همین مسئله باعث شده که برخی از پارک‎های آن نقش گذرگاهی به خود بگیرند و با استقبال خانواده‎ها روبه‎رو نشود. هدف مقاله‎ی حاضر، اولویّت‎بندی پارک‎های شهر با توجّه به مؤلّفه‌های داشتن امکانات، زیبایی، امنیّت، دسترسی راحت، توزیع مناسب در سطح شهر و میزان مساحت است. در این پژوهش از روش TOPSIS و سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی GIS)) استفاده شده است؛ بر این اساس، هر کدام از پارک‎های شهر از لحاظ مؤلّفه‌های گفته شده، مورد مطالعه، بررسی و تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفته است. اولویّت‌بندی پارک در شش گام TOPSIS انجام گرفته است. در مرحله‎ی دوم، داده‌های اطلاعاتی مؤلّفه‌های یاد شده از هر پارک به GIS وارد شده تا اولویّت‌بندی پارک‎ها از این روش نیز انجام شود. در مرحله‎ی سوم، نتایج حاصل از مدل TOPSIS و GIS با هم ترکیب شده و نتایج نهایی بهترین پارک شهر و اولویّت‌بندی پارک‎ها به‎دست آمده است. نتایج نشان می‌دهد، که پارک شهید استویی با رتبه (CL) 783/0 بهترین و در اولویّت نخست قرار دارد، پارک صخره‌ای با رتبه‎ی 743/0 در اولویّت دوم، پارک شهید رجایی با رتبه‎ی 591/0 در اولویّت سوم و پارک شهید باهنر با رتبه‎ی 170/0 در اولویّت چهارم قرار گرفته است. با استفاده از GIS و از پیوند نقشه‌های وزن‎دهی ‎شده با توجّه به میزان اهمّیّت معیارهای مورد نظر، نقشه‎ی نهایی حاصل شده که در آن پارک شهید استویی با 80 % شرایط، پارک صخره‌ای با 70 % شرایط، پارک شهید رجایی با 60 % شرایط و در آخر پارک شهید باهنر با40 % شرایط اولویّت‌بندی‎شان مشخّص شد. بنابراین استفاده از مدل‎های کاربردی و توانمند‌های GIS می‌تواند ما را در استفاده‎ی بهتر و مناسب‌تر از کاربری‌های زمین شهری و آماده‎کردن کاربری‌های دیگر بهره‌مند کند و از دوباره‎کاری‌ها که هزینه‎ی جاری شهرها را افزایش می‎دهد بی‌نیاز کند.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Alashtar City
  • GIS.
  • Green space
  • Urban Planning