بررسی تطبیقی بهره‎گیری از آبهای زیرزمینی روستایی به‎وسیله‎ی قنات و چاه (مطالعه‎ی موردی: بخش‎های شوقان و سنخواست شهرستان جاجرم)


1 دانشیار گروه کارتوگرافی و سنجش از دور، دانشکده‎ی جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران

2 دانشجوی دکترای جغرافیا و برنامه‎ریزی شهری، دانشکده‎ی جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران

3 دانشجوی دکترای جغرافیا و برنامه‎ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی


هدف از این مقاله بررسی تطبیقی بهره‎برداری از منابع آب و نقش آن بر توسعه‎ی سکونتگاه‎های روستایی بخش‎های شوقان و سنخواست است. بنابراین روی آوردن به احداث چاه‎های عمیق و نیمه‎عمیق و گسترش روزافزون آنها، باعث تغییراتی شدید در نظام بهره‎برداری از منابع آب و درنهایت، از بین رفتن روش‎های سنّتی می‎شود. هر چند هزینه‎های احداث قنات بالاتر از چاه است، اما بازدهی قنات در درازمدّت در قبال مخارج آن، بسیار زیادتر و باصرفه‎تر است. یافته‎های این مقاله نشان می‎دهد که در محدوده‎ی مورد مطالعه 57 رشته قنات (33%) خشکیده‎اند؛ زیرا این قنوات در برابر چاه‎ها (دیزلی و برقی) توان برابری نداشتند. چاه‎ها که ابتدا (پیش از اصلاحات ارضی 1340) به‎صورت مکمل در کنار منابع دیگر آب مورد توجّه بودند، در مدّت زمان کوتاهی(کمتر از سه دهه)، جایگزین قنوات شد و موجب بروز مسائل و تحوّلات گسترده‎ای در سطح محدوده شدند. جایگزینی چاه با قنات همچنین پیامدهای مکانی ـ فضایی دیگری همچون: افزایش درآمد و قدرت خرید زارعان، افزایش رونق اقتصادی محدوده، کاهش جمعیّت روستاهایی که قنوات آنها خشک شده است، مهاجرت جمعیّت روستایی به روستاها و شهرهای اطراف و ... را به‎همراه داشت. در نتیجه هم‎اکنون چاه‎ها و قنوات، مهم‎ترین منابع آب در دسترس هستند. بنابراین توجّه و اهمّیّت دادن به این دو و استفاده‎ی درست و بهینه از آنها می‎تواند راهکاری برای توسعه‎ی پایدار روستایی تلقی شود.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Study Comparative Using Ground Water Rural from Subterranean and Shaft Case Study: Zones Shoqan and Senkhovst Township Jajarm

نویسندگان [English]

  • H. Farji Sabokbar 1
  • M. Akbarpour Sarskanroud 2
  • A. Mohebi 3
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract

Important water is Topic Axis Sustainable Development, Particular to zones of Arid and mid arid more and more Conditioned. Therefore Target to in Essay is Survey Evolution Beneficiary to sources water and Impress it in Development Rurally Settlements zones of Shoqan and Senkhovast. So bring on the construction of deep wells and semi-deep and increasing their cause severe changes in the system of exploitation of water resources, and finally the loss of traditional methods are. Although construction costs well above the flume, but in the long term efficiency aqueduct towards costs very efficient and is larger. In other words aqueduct is a permanent source of saving comment Dredging low initial and annual costs can be used for years. The other hand, maintenance costs compared with subterranean wells maintenance costs are very small. Aqueduct constructed with simple equipment and the local labor force is possible while digging a well require specialist knowledge and power of official power Ahoy which are outside a village.
Water has Schrage on the grand of one unique element to human life. So that foundation and element necessary total societies were drawn up to now. In principle anywhere of geography topic to put up for discussion, must have occurred to mind, imagination geography perspective by means of to have created topic and phenomenon. Subterranean canal have created also one cultural perspective name of subterranean canal perspective. That this system (Subterranean canal) is water source many to settlements and factor to change in form life condition human groups. This autogenic technology, and application traditions basis cultural and technical countries and national capital those to take in to account that face external residences style product agricultural and special manner of doing something visible relations inner rural to economic and social subject this were phenomena that system revenue agricultural and on the basis of cooperation were created between people rural.

Kind of research to this article, descriptive analytic and research method is open space to methods documentary and etc have used. Statistical community ready research total 36 village is districts Shoqan and Senkhovast to two source well and Subterranean are cooperation for appointment sample volume by reason of, extent case study region and over volume statically community, to method sampling racemes have used to some phases. In this case that case study villages , on the basis of preference system revenue to two groups have distributional to 36 village, 18village on system revenue Subterranean village else wells are preference. Selective village also 50 percent to any system revenue and outwardly coincidence total volume sample research is 18 villages that to these villages, for collecting dates to local familiars in connection with sources waters interview to be accomplished. For analysis dates in formation founds result to questionnaire in beginning classification then wit use to SPSS were analysis.

Results and Discussion
Conforming the last divisions political to year 2006, township Jajarm consisting of 3 cities Garme, Jajarm, Senkhovast and Shoqan and 3 central sections Senkhovast and Shoqan and 6 rural district and6 rural have inhabitants. Regional area have case study, 2747 kilometer square meter who limits 9.7percent in area total northern khorasan province and 46 percent in area township Jajarm to be formed. This case important Subterranean sections Senkhovast and Shoqan point of many important this to past and event to condition present if rural to aspect kind livelihood, kind frame texture settlements, kind cultivation, relation social ,… impressed Subterranean. Subterranean existing to region including: Subterranean mountainous have established limits 17.5percent Subterranean. Totals to give a drink subterranean sections Senkhovast and Shoqan 932 liter to second. Pastoral Subterranean , number this kind subterranean limits 30range in working is year 2006 and Subterranean in working were equal 57 ranges. Nowadays the most current irrigation method to more rural sections Senkhovast and Shoqan is irrigation deep water. Most of number wells district of Senkhovast with 45ringe well and tabar with 12ringe well sit downed lines next. So that more than number half deep wells related to rural district Senkhovast is with 14 range well. And latest number deep well related to rural district tabar with 7 range well. Studying orbit rotation to case Subterranean wells engine driven to sections Senkhovast and Shoqan show in course of time and on the average, on orbit rotation Subterranean and wells have increased. So that to present state of affairs, latest orbit rotation in Subterranean of section sSenkhovast and Shoqan 7 in one day and the most to 16 in one day.
Findings of this paper that the 57 degree range studied aqueduct (33%) have withered. Because the wells Chat Rooms (diesel and electrical) cannot equal. Wells which originally (before 1340 reform) to supplement other sources besides the water were in short duration (less than three decades), was replaced Chat Rooms and cause problems and developments in a wide range of levels. Including: changes in the number of sources of irrigation, irrigation development organization, change the right of water levels and forms of ownership, change in irrigation practices, changes in cultivation, the change in the type of products, changes in production volume, the change in morphology, agronomic evolution Relations city - village, the change in population size and number of villages and ... Was. Replacement wells with the consequences of subterranean place - another space, include: increased income and purchasing power of farmers, increase range of economic prosperity, reducing the population of villages and Chat Rooms were dry, the rural population migration in and around villages and cities Was to accompany. As a result, wells and Chat Rooms currently the most important water resources are available. Therefore, attention and importance to both correct and optimal use of them for the sustainable development strategy is considered rural.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Development
  • Sections Shoqan
  • Senkhovas.
  • Sustainable Development
  • water resources