تحلیلی بر نقش مذهب در توسعة گردشگری مذهبی

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 دانشیار جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه ارومیه

2 استادیار جغرافیای سیاسی، دانشگاه ارومیه

3 دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه اصفهان


گردشگران مذهبی، گردشگران فرهنگی هستند که برای زیارت اماکن، آثار و یادمان‌های مذهبی، انجام اعمال مذهبی، آموزش‌های دینی و گذراندن اوقات فراغت در مکان‌ها و مراکز مذهبی جهان سفر می‌کنند. این پژوهش به نقش مذهب در توسعة گردشگری مذهبی می‌پردازد. نوع تحقیق، کاربردی و روش بررسی آن توصیفی- تحلیلی است. جامعة آماری، کلیة گردشگران داخلی و خارجی به زیارتگاه چک‌چک است. برای تجزیه و تحلیل اطلاعات، از روش‌های آمار استنباطی مانند ضریب رگرسیون، تحلیل واریانس و تحلیل مسیر و برای ارائة راهکارها از مدل تحلیلی سوات استفاده شده است. بر اساس نتایج تحلیل مسیر، متغیر‌های وجود اماکن زیارتی زرتشتیان با میزان 822/0 و پایبندی به آیین‌های مذهبی با میزان 752/0 بیشترین تأثیرها را در توسعة گردشگری مذهبی در شهرستان اردکان داشته­اند. همچنین نتایج مدل رگرسیون خطی ساده، برابر با 652/0 است؛ یعنی به ازای افزایش تعداد گردشگران، ساختار فضایی توسعة این شهرستان نیز افزایش می‌یابد. به عبارت دیگر، افزایش تعداد گردشگران، موجب بالا رفتن توسعه و افزایش میزان شاخص‌های اقتصادی آن در شهرستان اردکان می‌شود. همچنین ضریب همبستگی چندگانه (R) محاسبة رابطة اعتقادات مذهبی و توسعة اماکن زیارتی و مقدسه را با میزان 812/0 تأیید می‌کند که نشان می‌دهد 2/61 درصد از تغییرات توسعة اماکن زیارتی و مقدسه، ناشی از اعتقادات مذهبی است. به عبارت دیگر، در مناطقی که اماکن دینی و مذهبی دارند، سطح توسعة گردشگری مذهبی بسیار بالاتر است. در نهایت، راهبردهایی چون تلاش در جهت احداث تأسیسات و تجهیزات رفاهی در اماکن زیارتی، استفاده از جشن مهرگان به‌عنوان فرصتی برای ارسال پیام صلح و دوستی ایرانیان به جهان، تبلیغات گسترده برای جذب گردشگران و استفاده از درآمدهای مکان‌های زیارتی برای بهسازی و حفاظت از آن‌ها، سبب توسعة گردشگری مذهبی در شهرستان اردکان و استان یزد می‌شود.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Analysis on role of religion in development religious tourism (Case study: Chak Chak Shrine)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mirnajaf Mousavi 1
  • Naser Soltani 2
  • Ali Bagheri Kashkouli 3
چکیده [English]

Analysis on role of religion in development religious tourism (Case study: Chak Chak Shrine)

Extended Abstract
Religious tourists Are Cultural tourists who travel to pilgrimage sites, relics, religious monuments, Religious practices, Teaching and spending their leisure time in places and religious centers in world. However, for many of Pilgrims It is important Traveling shrine as well as itself shrine. This is because who pilgrimage not only foreign trip but also an inner journey and spiritual journey.
Religious and spiritual attractions of tourism in Iran are very precious. One of the attractions of religious is shrines and holy places every year large number of tourists who are attracted to them. The Zoroastrians have several shrines in Yazd But the most famous shrines is Chak Chak. Every year there are thousands of people of our country and around the world. This paper examines role of religion in the development of religious tourism with emphasis on shrines of Zoroastrians Chak Chak. Thus, Two hypotheses are discussed:
1) There are a significant correlation between an increase in number of tourists in the Chak Chak Shrine and development in Ardakan city.
2) There are a significant correlation between religious beliefs of Zoroastrians and And development of the their religious places.

According to Evaluated factors, Type research is Application and Methods it descriptive-analytical. Statistical population, are domestic and foreign tourists in Chak Chak Shrine. For data analysis, has been used of Methods Inferential statistical Such as regression, analysis of variance, Path analysis and also for provided solutions of strategic planning (SWOT).

Results and discussion
Iran and the world Zoroastrians goes to Chak Chak Shrine from 13 to 17 June each year. After the end of religious rituals is visited various sites (religious and historical places) in Yazd province and city Ardakan, and this causes the region economic development.
To determine the main causes of development of the religious tourism are entered independent variables into the regression model. Based results of Path analysis, were the highest effects on development religious tourism in ardakan city, Variables Existence Pilgrimage Places Zoroastrians with rate 0/822 and adherence to religious rituals with rate 0/752. Also Results Simple Linear Regression Model is Equal to 0/652. Means for every increasing in number of tourists, increases spatial structure Development this city. In other words, increasing number of tourists will be led to increased development and also rises in Indicators economic development in ardakan city. As well as multiple correlation coefficient (R) Confirmed Calculate relationship between religious beliefs and Development of pilgrimage and Sacred Places With rate 0/812 that Showing 61/2 percent of changes Development of pilgrimage and Sacred Places are Caused by religious beliefs.

Conclusion and Suggestions
Today, tourism is the most extensive of service industry and one of the greatest economic resources in world. Iran has a long history of having a very proper position among other countries. Religious attractions are including tourist destinations, With the proper planning and management of can be identified investment opportunities and can be obtained in a reasonable position in the world in terms of attracting tourists. Chak Chak shrine is a income source and the Factor of economic development for the city Ardekan and Yazd, and has led to the development of religious tourism. We can see the role of religion in the development of tourism. Government neglect, lack of private sector investment and the lack of appropriate facilities and infrastructures are main obstacles to the development of religious tourism in the region.
In other words, in areas that has Places of religious are much higher levels of development religious tourism. Finally, strategies such as Efforts to establish welfare facilities and equipment in places pilgrimage, use of Mehregan Celebration as an opportunity to send a message of peace and friendship Iranian to world, Extensive advertising order to attract tourists And use of proceeds order to improve and protect places of pilgrimage Can lead to the development of religious tourism in ardakan city of Yazd province.
- Attempt to construction of welfare facilities and facilities for tourists in the Chak chak shrine.
- Making culture for appropriate behavior by foreign tourists.
- Use the proceeds to improve and protect the for tourism development.
- Creating green spaces or other attractions in near the place of pilgrimage.
- Pave the roads and paths connecting to the shrine.
- Widespread propaganda to tourist attraction by introducing the prominent works of historic in the surrounding of shrine.
- Provide security for tourists, especially at night.
- Use of Renewable Energy for Power Supply.
- Use of this space to convey a message of peace and reconciliation of Iranians all over the world.

Keywords: religious tourism, strategic planning, Chak Chak Shrine, ardakan city

Analysis on role of religion in development religious tourism (Case study: Chak Chak Shrine)

Extended Abstract
Religious tourists Are Cultural tourists who travel to pilgrimage sites, relics, religious monuments, Religious practices, Teaching and spending their leisure time in places and religious centers in world. However, for many of Pilgrims It is important Traveling shrine as well as itself shrine. This is because who pilgrimage not only foreign trip but also an inner journey and spiritual journey.Religious and spiritual attractions of tourism in Iran are very precious. One of the attractions of religious is shrines and holy places every year large number of tourists who are attracted to them. The Zoroastrians have several shrines in Yazd But the most famous shrines is Chak Chak. Every year there are thousands of people of our country and around the world. This paper examines role of religion in the development of religious tourism with emphasis on shrines of Zoroastrians Chak Chak. Thus, Two hypotheses are discussed:Extended Abstract

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Religious tourism
  • Economic Development
  • strategic planning
  • Chak Chak Shrine
  • Ardakan city
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