فرصت‌‌ها و چالش‌‌های همگرایی منطقه‌ای در خلیج فارس

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 استادیار گروه جغرافیا، دانشکدة جغرافیا، دانشگاه تهران

2 کارشناس ارشد جغرافیای سیاسی دانشگاه آزاد واحد تهران مرکزی

3 دکتری روابط بین الملل دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد علوم تحقیقات تهران


خلیج فارس از رنسانس به این‌سو، از آبراهی با موقعیت ارتباطی و جایگاهی منطقه‌ای به موقعیتی استراتژیک، اقتصادی، سیاسی، ژئوپلیتیک و ژئوانرژی در مناسبات و تعامل‌های بین‌المللی بدل شد. به نظر می‌رسد منطقة خلیج فارس، این نقش منحصر به فرد و بی‌بدیل را تا نیمة نخست قرن بیست و یکم دارد. از ابتدای قرن بیستم تا پایان دهة هفتاد که مصادف با تولد کشور‌های کوچک حوزة جنوبی خلیج فارس است، به کمک انگلستان، تلاش‌هایی برای همگرایی میان این کشورها صورت گرفت، اما هیچ‌یک از این همکاری‌ها به همگرایی کاملی منجر نشد و اختلاف‌ها و چالش‌‌های بعدی را نیز به وجود آورد. حضور آمریکا و بازگشت انگلیس و فرانسه به منطقه، رقابت تسلیحاتی، دیدگاه‌های امنیتی متفاوت و بعضاً متضاد، نبود اعتماد جمعی، وجود اختلاف‌های ارضی و مرزی، نبود دیدگاه‌ها و هنجار‌های مشترک و وجود اختلاف‌های قومی و فرهنگی در منطقه، زمینه‌ساز واگرایی و از سازه‌‌های مهم ناهمانندی و ناهمگرایی منطقة خلیج فارس است. قرن بیست و یکم را با توجه به مزایا و تجارب حاصل از این همگرایی‌ها، باید قرن همگرایی مجدد منطقه‌ای دولت‌ها در جهان نامید. منطقة خلیج فارس نیز مجموعه‌ای از امتیازها و مؤلفه‌‌های همسازة همگرایی منطقه‌ای را دارد که در صورت توافق در مورد آن‌ها می‌توان به همکاری و مشارکت جمعی و سپس به همگرایی منطقه‌ای دست یافت. عواملی نظیر قلمرو جغرافیایی مشترک و موقعیت همسایگی، دین و ارزش‌‌های فرهنگی مشترک، منابع نفت و گاز مشترک و سیاست‌گذاری هماهنگ در خصوص آن، مزایا و مصائب ژئوپلیتیک همسان و ضرورت برنامه‌ریزی دربارة آن و موضوع‌های مشترکی نظیر مسائل زیست‌محیطی، گردشگری و مواد مخدر، بر این همگرایی مؤثرند. به نظر می‌رسد توجه و تمرکز بر موضوع‌ها و مسائل مشترک واقعی و عینی محیط اجتماعی، اقتصادی، امنیتی و سیاسی این کشورها می‌تواند زمینة تفاهم، توافق، همکاری مشترک و در نهایت همگرایی منطقه‌ای را ایجاد کند. 



عنوان مقاله [English]

فرصت ها و چالش های همگرایی منطقه ای در خلیج فارس

نویسندگان [English]

  • Bahador Zarei 1
  • Hosein Shahdousti 2
  • Ali Zeynivand 3
چکیده [English]

Persian Gulf waterway renaissance since the communicative situation and the status of regional strategic location, economic, geopolitical, and political Zhyvanrzhy became international relationships and interactions. It looks unique and unmatched in the Persian Gulf region in the first half of the twenty-first century should be. From the beginning to the end of the seventies of the twentieth century coincided with the birth of the small countries of the Persian Gulf the southern areas of convergence between the countries with the assistance of the British efforts were made, but none of these collaborations did not result in a complete convergence platform, and conflicts maker was the next challenge.
Britain and France and returned to America to attend the regional arms race, with different and sometimes conflicting perspectives of security, lack of public trust, territorial disputes, lack of vision and common norms and ethnic and cultural differences in the region and the underlying structural divergence important non-identity and non-convergence of the Persian Gulf region. Twenty-first century should be a century of re-integration of regional governments with regard to the benefits and experiences gained from the convergence of the call. Persian Gulf region also enjoys a number of privileges and structural components of the regional integration If they can agree on a collective partnership and then found a convergence region. Factors such as joint territory Position neighborhood, religion and cultural values, oil and gas resources sharing and coordinated policy on the Cancel Passion common geopolitical advantages and necessity of planning and issues of mutual concern, such as environmental issues, tourism and drugs. Seems to focus on issues of common Subscribe concrete and real in the social environment, economic, security and political available can help understanding, agreement and cooperation of the regional convergence.

Persian Gulf waterway renaissance since the communicative situation and the status of regional strategic location, economic, geopolitical, and political Zhyvanrzhy became international relationships and interactions. It looks unique and unmatched in the Persian Gulf region in the first half of the twenty-first century should be. From the beginning to the end of the seventies of the twentieth century coincided with the birth of the small countries of the Persian Gulf the southern areas of convergence between the countries with the assistance of the British efforts were made, but none of these collaborations did not result in a complete convergence platform, and conflicts maker was the next challenge.
Britain and France and returned to America to attend the regional arms race, with different and sometimes conflicting perspectives of security, lack of public trust, territorial disputes, lack of vision and common norms and ethnic and cultural differences in the region and the underlying structural divergence important non-identity and non-convergence of the Persian Gulf region. Twenty-first century should be a century of re-integration of regional governments with regard to the benefits and experiences gained from the convergence of the call. Persian Gulf region also enjoys a number of privileges and structural components of the regional integration If they can agree on a collective partnership and then found a convergence region. Factors such as joint territory Position neighborhood, religion and cultural values, oil and gas resources sharing and coordinated policy on the Cancel Passion common geopolitical advantages and necessity of planning and issues of mutual concern, such as environmental issues, tourism and drugs. Seems to focus on issues of common Subscribe concrete and real in the social environment, economic, security and political available can help understanding, agreement and cooperation of the regional convergence.

Persian Gulf waterway renaissance since the communicative situation and the status of regional strategic location, economic, geopolitical, and political Zhyvanrzhy became international relationships and interactions. It looks unique and unmatched in the Persian Gulf region in the first half of the twenty-first century should be. From the beginning to the end of the seventies of the twentieth century coincided with the birth of the small countries of the Persian Gulf the southern areas of convergence between the countries with the assistance of the British efforts were made, but none of these collaborations did not result in a complete convergence platform, and conflicts maker was the next challenge.
Britain and France and returned to America to attend the regional arms race, with different and sometimes conflicting perspectives of security, lack of public trust, territorial disputes, lack of vision and common norms and ethnic and cultural differences in the region and the underlying structural divergence important non-identity and non-convergence of the Persian Gulf region. Twenty-first century should be a century of re-integration of regional governments with regard to the benefits and experiences gained from the convergence of the call. Persian Gulf region also enjoys a number of privileges and structural components of the regional integration If they can agree on a collective partnership and then found a convergence region. Factors such as joint territory Position neighborhood, religion and cultural values, oil and gas resources sharing and coordinated policy on the Cancel Passion common geopolitical advantages and necessity of planning and issues of mutual concern, such as environmental issues, tourism and drugs. Seems to focus on issues of common Subscribe concrete and real in the social environment, economic, security and political available can help understanding, agreement and cooperation of the regional convergence.

Factors such as joint territory Position neighborhood, religion and cultural values, oil and gas resources sharing and coordinated policy on the Cancel Passion common geopolitical advantages and necessity of planning and issues of mutual concern, such as environmental issues, tourism and drugs. Seems to focus on issues of common Subscribe concrete and real in the social environment, economic, security and political available can help understanding, agreement and cooperation of the regional convergence.

Persian Gulf, divergence, convergence system, regional global powers . iran

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Persian Gulf
  • Divergence
  • convergence system
  • regional global powers
  • Iran
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