سنجش اصول مجاورت کاربری‌های ویژه از منظر پدافند غیرعامل شهری مطالعۀ همجواری بیمارستان‌ها در شهر اهواز

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 استادیار جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز

2 دانشیار جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز

3 کارشناس ارشد جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز


امروزه برنامه‌ریزی بهینة کاربری‌های شهری نقش مهمی در کاهش آسیب‌پذیری کلان‌شهرها دربرابر حوادث و مخاطرات طبیعی و انسانی دارد. در این بین، برخی کاربری‌ها از جمله بیمارستان‌ها نقش حساسی در تاب‌آوری شهری دارند. از این‌رو، اطمینان از نبود کاربری‌های خطرساز در همجواری با این کاربری موجب کاهش آسیب‌پذیری آن‌ها می‌شود. یکی از راه‌های تحقق این اطمینان، بررسی میزان رعایت سازگاری یا ناسازگاری در همجواری بیمارستان‌ها از منظر پدافند غیرعامل به‌عنوان مجموعه‌ای از اصول و اقدامات غیرنظامی در کاهش آسیب‌پذیری شهری است. هدف تحقیق حاضر شناخت میزان رعایت اصول همجواری در بیمارستان‌های مناطق کلان‌شهر اهواز از دیدگاه پدافند غیرعامل است. روش تحقیق براساس هدف نظری- کاربردی و از نظر ماهیت و روش توصیفی- تحلیلی و روش گردآوری داده‌ها نیز کتابخانه‌ای و برداشت‌های میدانی و بهره‌گیری از بانک داده‌های مکانی بوده است. مدل به‌کاررفته مدل منطق فازی (fuzzy logic) بوده و از عملگر گاما (Gamma) 9/0 در همپوشانی لایه‌های اطلاعاتی استفاده شده است. براساس نتایج این پژوهش، میزان رعایت اصول همجواری پدافند غیرعامل در بیمارستان‌های شهر اهواز به‌طور متوسط 29 درصد بوده است و در مقایسه بین مناطق، نیز بیمارستان‌های منطقة چهار با 21 درصد کمترین و بیمارستان‌های منطقة شش با 40 درصد بیشترین میزان رعایت اصول همجواری پدافند غیرعامل را به خود اختصاص داده‌اند. همچنین، تحلیل نقشه از همجواری‌ها نشان از ناسازگاری و عدم رعایت اصول همجواری در محور مرکزی غربی- شرقی و شمالی- جنوبی در پهنة جغرافیایی اهواز دارد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

The assessment of Proximity in sensing land use, from the perspective of urban passive defense Study proximity to major hospitals in Ahwaz

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mostafa Mohammadi Dah cheshmeh 1
  • Mohammad Ali Firouzi 2
  • Reza Nazarpour Dazki 3
چکیده [English]

The assessment of Proximity in sensing land use, from the perspective of urban passive defense
Study proximity to major hospitals in Ahwaz

Extended Abstract:
Age Metropolitan posts can be called the age of the city's vulnerability because in line with the complexity of urban life, cities of various sizes with "natural hazards and technological crisis" on the one hand and "social security crises" On the other hand continues to grow (Mohammadi ten-spring, 1393: 54). Abraham Massu with a hierarchy of needs, safety and security is one of the basic needs of human societies considered (Van den Berg, 2007: 132) and Safety before being called citizenship.
These days the exponential growth of urbanization and the growth of environmental and technological risks associated with the city and citizens and social challenges, need to attention to the safety as important and crucial component of a sustainable city will be felt more than ever.
While planners and civil defense officials have been searching for ways and means to reduce the vulnerability of cities, the destructive potential of atomic warfare has increased astronomically. Should a full-scale thermonuclear exchange take place, all that can be expected is the total destruction of our urban civilization. The fallout shelter program serves only to lull the nation into a false sense of security.
Urban safety problem attracts much attention. The paper provides a conceptual framework for planning safer cities. The safer city has not only less crime and terrorism attack but also more resilience to all kinds of disaster. The paper reviews the existing physical planning and brings forward an urban spatial structure that attach importance to urban safety.

Urban defense in terms of putting safety and security in the neighborhood and adjacent to the Special Account (critical, critical) to optimize urban land use planning to reduce vulnerability in the face of the risks of passive defense strategies, particularly in susceptible ‌Shhrhay acceptance risks.

Ahwaz metropolis through critical and unique position in the realms of energy strategy and geo-economic, geo-culture, and geostrategic position of Iran, for Iran from the perspective of an urban passive defense has strategic position.
Regarding to topic of research, area of study and complicated existence of city as a spatial and social system, use of different methods and techniques with title of Compound Method is essential. Hence, the optimum model of location-specific applications (critical) with respect to adjacency issues is one of passive defense requirements in this city. This study after the recognition of the principles of passive defense and spatial standards in place, had extracted the location - proximity to critical land use in Ahwaz.

The focus of this research is physical safety, on this base this study is a functional and descriptive - analytic study. Required information are collected in the library and survey and preparation, update and competition of database. The study sample consisted of all critical land use categories, urban installations, facilities management, military - security, support, transportation within the city of Ahvaz. The method applied in this study is a descriptive-analytical method which bases on both documentary and field-based collection of data. It should be noted that GIS software, AHP MODEL and SWOT technique have been used in this research. Assessment methods and data collection used in this research are consisted of Library Research Methods and field-based collection of data.

Results and Discussion:
Prevailing approach to data analysis is spatial analysis and for analysis of spatial data have used the combined model of FGIS- FAHP. In order to analyze the data, after extracting spatial standards, the map distances have prepared according to the principles of proximity and vicinity in the Special lane use.
After maps overlay in the five named lane use, the fuzzy spatial models derived from a particular user proximity. The Research findings have shown that 57/0 percent of especially land use located in the critical zone of the high risk and the region of 7 known as the most vulnerable and the region of 5 known as the safest regional in Ahvaz.
In order to analyze the data, after extracting spatial standards, the map distances have prepared according to the principles of proximity and vicinity in the Special lane use.
After maps overlay in the five named lane use, the fuzzy spatial models derived from a particular user proximity. The Research findings have shown that 57/0 percent of especially land use located in the critical zone of the high risk and the region of 7 known as the most vulnerable and the region of 5 known as the safest regional in Ahvaz.
However, in this study to analyze the spatial proximity of the principle of passive defense of the 10 criteria were used in the hospitals of the city of Ahvaz. This means that after the identification of effective standards, preparation, correction and Governor of them, plans 10 criteria with a gamma of 0.9 combines the results statements of five Likert of respecting very low to very high (between zero and one) show data (Figure 14).

The results of this study show that:
1. In terms of the principles of proximity, Ayatollah Taleghani Hospital, with 60 percent of the most respected and Imam Khomeini (RA) with respect to account for 13.5% of the lowest rates.
2. The principles neighborhood in Ahvaz hospitals and average of 29 percent, the amount is indicative of the fact that the principles of good neighborliness passive defense in Ahvaz hospitals is low.
3. In the areas of Ahvaz area hospital four averages with respect (40%) in the proximity of most of them and six regional hospitals, with an average compliance rate (21%) and lowest principles nearby respectively.
4. Thus, a difference of 20 percent in the principles of proximity or proximity between hospital-treated areas observed. So the hypothesis that differences in the principles of proximity in hospitals in Ahwaz is approved.

Key words: Proximity, Hospital, Ahvaz Metropolis, Urban Passive Defense

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • proximity
  • Hospital
  • Ahvaz Metropolis
  • Urban Passive
  • defense
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