ارزیابـی فعالیت ها و کارکـرد خانـه های تــرویج روستایــی (مـطالعـۀ مـوردی: شهــرستان زابـل)

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد سردشت (ارومیه)، باشگاه پژوهشگران جوان و نخبگان، سردشت (ارومیه)، ایران

2 دانشیار جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه زابل


با توجه به ضرورت و اهمیت روزافزون به‌کارگیری صحیح دستاوردهای نوین علمی و فنی در فرایند اشاعة نوآوری‌ها و ترویج روستایی، این پرسش مطرح است که خانه‌های ترویج به‌عنوان مرکز تعامل بین کشاورزان و کارشناسان ترویجی، تا چه حد در راستای تحقق این اهداف نقش دارند؟ در این پژوهش، با توجه به عامل ارزشیابی اثربخشی به توزیع جغرافیایی خانه‌های ترویج روستایی، حیطة وظایف و کارکردهای ترویجی آن‌ها ارزیابی شده است. جامعة آماری این پژوهش، شامل تمامی مروجان و کشاورزان منطقه است که از بین آن‌ها، به روش نمونه‌گیری تصادفی 120 مروج و 306 کشاورز شهرستان زابل انتخاب شدند. اطلاعات مورد نیاز در این پژوهش، از طریق تکمیل پرسشنامه و مصاحبه در خانه‌های ترویج و کشاورزان جمع‌آوری شد و تجزیه و تحلیل نتایج آن با نرم‌افزار SPSS.Ver19.0 صورت گرفت. نتایج کمی این پژوهش نشان می‌دهد حدود 72/42 درصد مروجان در حد قوی، 33/22 درصد در حد نسبتاً قوی، 27/24 درصد در حد متوسط و 68/10 در حد ضعیف با کشاورزان روستاها فعالیت داشته‌اند. برآوردهای آماری این مطالعه، با توجه به گرایش بیشتر کارشناسان ترویج به همکاری با اهالی روستاها، فعالیت‌های مشارکتی آنان را در حد نسبتاً مثبت و مثبت نشان می­دهد. بررسی‌های علمی، نشانگر ارتباطات غیرمستمر و کم­بودن انگیزة آنان برای برقراری ارتباط تعاملی و مؤثر با مروجان است. همچنین بررسی وضعیت ارتباط میان مروجان و کشاورزان نشان می‌دهد این ارتباط، بیشتر از طریق برگزاری کلاس‌های آموزشی و در موارد بسیار محدودی برخی فعالیت‌های مشارکتی انجام شده است.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Evaluation of Activities and Functioning of Rural Promoting Homes (Case study: city of Zabol)

نویسندگان [English]

  • Shirko Ahmadi 1
  • Gharib fazelnia 2
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract
Considering the growing importance of the correct use of modern scientific and technical achievements in the process of diffusion of innovations and of promoting the rural question of promoting homes as the conflict between farmers and extension specialists to what extent they have been able to achieve these goals play an active role and effectiveness of? Population of this research of all the missionaries’ first Zabol city's village homes that 120 of them were by random sampling method selected to complete the questionnaire. The information required in this study through questionnaires and interviews to of promoting the home city of Zabol Data were analyzed with the software SPSS.Ver 19.0. The results of this study indicate little about 42/72 percent as strong promoters,22/33% in relatively strong and 24/27% on average And 10/68 in the poor rural farmers have activity. Scientific studies suggest that non-regular communication and lack of women's motivation to communicate is interactive and effective advocates.Statistical estimates in this study, according to most experts on malware trends towards working with the villagers, their collaborative activities in a rather positive and the positive evaluation.

In today's world, the process of change has taken rapid pace and more people in the recipient or target of the project, either as receptive and passive elements and active citizens, is frequently made. Development projects with the purpose to design and set up to help people to change their line. Meanwhile, one of the goals of this project are typically, but not always help local groups and rural communities to personally meet their needs and desires, projects and programs to change, they suggest. Both of these require planning and preparation and provision of various promotion programs. Agricultural extension in many parts of the world today. Approaches form and substance of a system are promoted through these types of messages to be prepared and delivered to the villagers. In this paper, try to understand their problems identifying the gaps and introduce a mechanism for planning activities in the promotion of rural houses will be presented. Promotion of rural homes are no exception and needs to extension methods in this system are studied.

This research is a descriptive - correlation research method used. Population of this research of all the missionary’s first Zabol city's rural homes that 120 of them were randomly selected to complete the questionnaire. To evaluate the validity of research, the opinions of a few members of the academic board was used to promote agricultural education and reliability of questionnaire, 120 questionnaires were distributed among the missionaries first 103 of them responded and alpha value (α=82), then the data were analyzed with SPSS software. To analyze the data, descriptive and inferential statistics were used.

Results and discussion
The results of the assessment are discussed, promoting activities in rural areas and identify resource requirements and needs significant positive correlation with a correlation coefficient is 0/267 in level 0/001. Strongly related to this type of activity is strong and reflects the activity of the promoters of the scheme functions. Active promoters studied rural development and exploitation of water resources through the proper use of surface and ground waters by (P=0/000 and r = 0/346) and distribution of agricultural inputs (seeds and fertilizers) with (p = 0 / 003 and r = 0/278) most of the factors mentioned in rural activities carried out and the relationship between "strong" and is positive in the above fields. Subsequent results of correlation activities in numerous meetings with the Association of Chartered farmers and veterinary services and animal husbandry in the traditional farms relationship "fairly strong" and a positive correlation coefficients and significance level (p = 0/001 and r = 0 / 213) there. The results of correlation coefficients activities such as public services, technical infrastructure, welfare, credit, education, research and extension with (p = 0/000 and r = 0/143), provide the information required in production, prices, supply consumption, storage crops (p = 0/022 and r = 0/154) and speech problems and villages (p = 0/017 and r = 0/167), a relationship between "medium" and there are positive. Housing advocates and promotes performance results in the development of rural population (p = 0/004 and r = 0/130), al-Sistani sheep and cattle breeding development program and to provide facilities, with correlation coefficients and significance level (P =0/038 and r=0/139), credit and technical assistance for the development and cultivation of irrigated land (p= 0/015 and r= 0/123) had the lowest activity on the ground, so the house activities promoted in the above equation as a "weak" is evaluated.

Since the effectiveness of promotional activities significantly to performance, skills, and promoting participation is dependent on efficient use of manpower and skilled scientific and operational effectiveness of the promotional activities will be guaranteed. From the perspective of the Department of Agriculture Zabol senior executives, the most difficult part of the city to promote communication problem between the reinforcing structures - research - know that education is promoted by the conventional approach to agricultural extension and problems related to it-is approach. Of course, addition, extension of the credits problems, administrative problems and poor infrastructure and manpower capabilities of promotion to the ranks of the problems that were identified from the perspective of audience research. Thus, despite the small number of promotion of houses in the city of Zabol the authorities expected. Most housing in this area that by creating the necessary cooperation and the growth and prosperity of the rural poor and enjoy a little. Hence, the introduction of a comprehensive rural development approaches, activities promotion rural housing or promotion common approaches, assuming its responsibilities, including all of the factors influencing the lives of the rural population and employment. Can approach-such as the right to organize and promotion rural housing set and completed.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • “Evaluation of activities”
  • "Rural"
  • “rural Promotion housing”
  • “City of Zabol”
  • “Activity and function”
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