سنجش رضایت‌ گردشگران از مقاصد گردشگری ساحلی مناطق روستایی استان گیلان

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 استاد جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس

2 دانش‌آموخته دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس

3 دانشیار جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس


امروزه یکی از روش‌های سنجش کارایی خدمات موجود در یک منطقه، ارزیابی نظر بهره‌برداران و استفاده‌کنندگان (گردشگران) از خدمات گردشگری است. درواقع، با توجه به ارتباط مستقیم گردشگران با خدمات ایجادشده و نیازهای موجود در شهرها و مناطق، آن‌ها نقش مؤثری در سنجش کارایی یا کمبودهای خدمات موجود دارند. رضایتمندی به‌صورت گسترده در ادبیات توسعه، یک متغیر روشن و همچنین نتیجة تأثیر خدمات تولیدی، رفاه اجتماعی و مالی قلمداد می‌شود. براین‌اساس، پژوهش حاضر به‌دنبال سنجش رضایتمندی گردشگران از مقاصد گردشگری استان گیلان است. جمع‌آوری اطلاعات در این پژوهش با استفاده از پرسشنامه صورت گرفت. در تحقیق حاضر، مقاصد گردشگری در قالب 10 طرح سالم‌سازی است که در 7 شهرستان واقع شده‌اند. براساس نتایج آزمون t تک‌نمونة مستقل، بالاترین میزان رضایت از 9 بعد سنجیده‌شده مربوط به خدمات امنیتی با میانگین 409/2 و کمترین مربوط به اطلاع‌رسانی در مقاصد گردشگری ساحلی با میانگین 434/0 است. میانگین کل رضایتمندی از مقاصد برابر با 431/1 است. میانگین رضایتمندی از مقاصد براساس نتایج آزمون (Tukey) به 4 طبقه تقسیم شد. سه طرح (جفرود، آلالان و داروگرمحله) در طبقة اول قرار دارند که گردشگران کمترین میزان رضایت را از آن‌ها داشته‌اند. در طبقة دوم، سه طرح دیگر (تازه‌آباد، انبارسر، نیلوفرسحرخیز) قرار دارند. در طبقة سوم دو طرح (طالب‌آباد و حاجی‌بکنده) و در طبقة چهارم دو طرح (امین‌آباد و گیسوم) با میانگین 631/1 و 658/1 قرار دارند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Measuring of tourists satisfaction of coastal tourist destinations in rural areas of Guilan Province

نویسندگان [English]

  • Abdolreza Rokneddin Eftekhari 1
  • Yaser Ramezannejad 2
  • Mahdi Pourtaheri 3
چکیده [English]

Today world is full of changes and alterations, of most important changes made in extent of Business, change in offer‌able values to buyers that is known as main factor in organizations (Destinations) and chief organizations in any industry, its success to ability to supply quality products (valuable) to buyers in comparison with their competitors is know. In this regard, one of the marketing efforts is that customers not just today, but for future also buyer and others encourage to do (Koskela, 2002: 28). Research has shown that the quality and value of services received, plays an important role in satisfaction and consistent decisions (Lenoe et al, 2006: 208). With this description must be said that tourism is a mix of different activities That the chain of services to tourists encompass all phenomena and relationships arising from the interaction between tourists and host communities, governments and recruitment process and reception (Mcintosh and Charles, 1995: 9). Hence is that now one of the methods for measuring the efficiency of services and facilities in a tourist area is assessment of beneficiaries and consumers opinion (tourists) of these services. Indeed by attendance to right relation of tourists with created services and being needs in cities and region can be have effective role in measuring efficiency or shortages of being services (Rodriguez et al, 2006: 667). The significance of tourism and recreation is often most evident in the coast. Coastal tourism is the sum of activities relating to the travel and stay over by people visiting the coastal zone. Coastal tourism developments comprise developments and activities conducted upon land immediately adjacent to the shoreline, coastal wetlands, estuaries and tidal waters and associated marine waters. Tourist activities are considered coastal tourism activities when they are based on or utilize coastal or marine resources, either natural or manmade, or located within the coastal strip (TCMP, 2001, p.5). Therefore one of the important and basic factors in increasing the number of tourists in the areas is being of facilities and service quality requirements tourists. According to traditional attitudes to assess the quality characteristics of the goods or services was defined as a measure of quality, but the new management approach, the quality was defined as customer want. Clients or recipients of service, service quality are evaluated by comparing their expectations and perceptions of service received. Tourists as well as other customers, usually before visiting their tourist destination has the level of the expectations to services will receive in tourist centers. These expectations largely will engender by advertising, media and also informal information from acquaintances. Extent of these expectations, will be the basis for the satisfaction of tourists. While can meet the expectations of tourists, surely these people, will recommend visit of it area to others which that is the most effective way of marketing and advertising (Crosby, 1993; Soderlund, 1998). Based on the foregoing, this paper aims to measure of tourists’ satisfaction of coastal tourist destinations in rural areas of Guilan Province and as well as comparison mean tourists satisfaction of each destinations.

Research Methodology
paper method is descriptive- analytical. To assess the satisfaction of tourists from coastal rural areas tourist destinations of Guilan province in descriptive part has been used of library and quantitative methods (statistical) to analysis of field data. The data collection was done using a questionnaire. The statistical population this research is coastal tourists of Guilan Province, which according to the statistics organization's tourism of Gilan Province has been announced 15000000 people, with Cochran method 390 of them as the sample size was determined. In this paper tourism destinations is 10 safe building project which are located in 7 county. In each of project 39 tourists were questioned.

Results and discussion
Based on the results of the independent samples t-test, highest measured dimensions related to the satisfaction of the security services with mean of 2/409 and the lowest satisfaction is relevant to informing in coastal tourism destination with mean of 0/434. And other means to arrange from highest to lowest are as follows: Interaction with 2/123, coastal area with 2/074, transportation and access with 1/354, recreational facilities with 1/249, Welfare-catering facilities with 1/431 and management with mean of 0/945. It can be said that the rate of satisfaction is very little level.

Tourist literature shows that the overall satisfaction of tourists and the tourist intents to return to the point of destination is characterized by its assessment. In this regard, many studies have shown that the performance of a destination is determined with the analysis of expressed satisfaction by tourist of various aspects destination (Aleger & Clader, 2006; Baker & Crompton, 2000). The coastal is still a major destination for tourists, and tourism planners are trying to design and implement the requirements of tourists to the coast. And this planning and management of coastal tourism can be done more precisely by taking into account social and environmental systems and their relationship (Cachadi et al, 2002: 12). Therefore one of the important and basic factors in increasing the number of tourists in the areas is being of facilities and service quality requirements tourists. To compare the mean of satisfaction between 10 tourism destinations has been used of ANOVA. The amount of variance between groups according to (F) and the level of significance (sig) 0/000 shows that in forms of the variance there is significance difference between the mean of tourists satisfaction from coastal tourist destinations. The results of test of (Tukey), tourism destinations based on mean of satisfaction have been divided into 4 categories. According to the results of test, three project (Jefrod, Alalan and Darugar Mahalleh) are on the first category, where tourists have the lowest satisfaction from them, on the second category are three projects (Tazeh Abad, Anbarsar, Nilofare Saharkhiz). The third category has two projects (Abad and Haji Talib Bkndh) and on the fourth category are (Amin Abad and Gisum) with mean of 1/163 and 1/658.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • coast
  • coastal tourism
  • saticfaction
  • safe-building plan
  • gilan province
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