تولید دانش و توسعه در هزارۀ سوم و بررسی معیارهای علمی مقالات پژوهشی جغرافیای شهری ایران

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی

2 دانشیار جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی شهری، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی

3 دانشجوی دکتری جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه شهید بهشتی


دانش و تولید آن، به‌عنوان منبع بنیادین خلق و حفظ اقتصاد، اجتماع و فرهنگی پویا همواره در طول تاریخ اهمیتی فزاینده داشته و موتور توسعة همه‌جانبة کشورها بوده است، اما در چند دهة گذشته اهمیت توسعة علمی در گفتمان نظریة جدید رشد و توسعه بیش‌ از پیش مطرح شده و دهکدة جهانی به‌سوی نظم جهانی اطلاعات پیش رفته است. براین‌اساس، در پژوهش حاضر ضمن تشریح ژرف و موشکافانة این روندها و تحولات، ویژگی‌های مهم‌تر مقالاتعلمی-پژوهشی در فرایند تولید دانش مشخص می‌شود و درنهایت میزان توجه به این ویژگی‌ها و معیارها در مقالاتعلمی-پژوهشی جغرافیای شهری بررسی و تحلیل می‌شود. روش تحقیق حاکم بر پژوهش کمی-کیفی و توصیفی-تحلیلی است. در روش کیفی از تکنیک دلفی و تحلیل محتوا و در روش کمی از پرسشنامة طیفی و آزمون T تک‌معیاره و فریدمن استفاده شده و به‌منظور رتبه‌بندی معیارها و زیرمعیارها از روش تحلیل چندمتغیره بهره گرفته شده است. براساس نتایج، در جهان فراصنعتی، سرمایه‌داری دانش نمایان می‌شود و اجتماعات پیشرفته در تکاپو برای نیل به توسعه‌ای دانش‌محور هستند و در این بین شهرها با قرارگرفتن در کانون این روندها و تلاش برای تطابق خود با آن، به‌دنبال خلق مزیت رقابتی پایدار هستند. علاوه بر این، یافته‌ها نشان می‌دهد که از نظر متخصصان، معیارهای «معناداری و خلاقیت»، «پایه‌های قوی روش‌شناسی» و «اصول اخلاقی» جایگاه بالاتری نسبت به سایر معیارها در تولید دانش دارند، درحالی‌که در مقاله‌های علمی-پژوهشی جغرافیای شهری این معیارها نسبت به سایر معیارها جایگاه پایین‌تری دارند.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Knowledge Production and Development Discourse in Third millennium: an Investigation of Urban Geography Journals in Iran

نویسندگان [English]

  • Hasan Mohammadian Mosammam 1
  • Jila Sajadi 2
  • Parviz Aghaie 1
  • Mostafa Bayat 3
چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract


Historically, the knowledge and its production, as the key driver of civilization and economic prosperity, have been crucial to the development and competiveness of any city and region. However, over the past several decades, the importance of scientific development in new theory of development discourse has been raised and global village goes into the global information order. The cities that have been always home to civilization gained unprecedented importance and placed in the core of production, exchange, and knowledge. Nowadays, many of cities around the world have been faced with massive transformations of urban areas due to dynamic processes of spatial and economic restructure where physical commodity replaces by very delicate forms of production (knowledge). Accordingly, this paper aimed to scrupulously describe these transformations and identify the role of knowledge in the development as well as the interaction of knowledge and city development. In addition, this paper sought to examine the most important characteristics of scientific papers in the knowledge production. Finally, according to these characteristics and criteria, we review and analyze scientific papers of urban geography.


This paper is based on combined method. Delphi technique and content analysis were used as a qualitative method. Additionally, quantitative method and analysis including spectral questionnaires and one sample T-test and Friedman test were used. AHP method was employed to calculate the weight of each factor and indicator according to the expert's opinions. Qualitative data was collected by the snowball sampling method and quantitative data was acquired through questionnaires that examined 50 scientific articles in urban geography journals from expert perspectives. In this step, we used the random sampling method to determine the sample size.

Results and discussion

Based on literature review and expert’s consensus 7 criteria and 21 sub-criteria was selected. Criteria ranking via AHP showed that meaningful and creativity criteria gained highest ranking and lowest ranking was for adequately present and language. Investigation of 50 scientific research of urban geography indicates that those Criteria’s that have more important role in the production of knowledge from expert perspectives have had low ranking at scientific articles in the field of urban geography. Accordingly, it can be said that despite the importance of " Novelty, Creativity and Meaningfulness ", " Sound methodological basis” and ” following appropriate ethical guidelines " criteria in the production and development of science, unfortunately, scholars has been little attention in the field of urban geography.

Table 1: Comparing the ranking of criteria from experts’ perspectives and the results of the articles investigation
Expert’s ranking Results from papers investigation
Novelty, Creativity and Meaningfulness Meaningful Relevance
2 Sound methodological basis Adequate presentation, style, and language
3 following appropriate ethical guidelines
Transparency and clarity
4 Meaningful Relevance High standards of scholarship in argument and interpretation
5 High standards of scholarship in argument and interpretation Sound methodological basis
6 Transparency and clarity following appropriate ethical guidelines
7 Adequate presentation, style, and language Novelty, Creativity and Meaningfulness


Findings revealed that knowledge capitalism has emerged in the post-industrial world, and advanced communities struggle to achieve a knowledge-based economy. In this context, cities plays a central role in this process and in order to create a sustainable competitive advantage trying to adapt with it. These trends and Transformations alerts us to the great mission of researchers and scientists in the field of urban studies in order to produce and exchange of basic knowledge in the field of urban issues. Moreover, they must create an urban environment in which development of science and technology motivated. The twenty-first century is millennium in which inattention and negligence to knowledge lead to negative consequences and will bring very unpleasant problems. In other words, South global become home to a variety of issues and challenges, and citizens will be ' remote control workers via low wages”. Investigation of criteria and papers also indicate that in the expert's view, ‘Novelty, Creativity, and Meaningfulness’, ‘ Sound methodological basis ’ and ‘following appropriate ethical guidelines’ criteria obtain higher rankings than other criteria in the production of knowledge while the scientific research articles in urban geography have been little attention to them.

Findings revealed that knowledge capitalism has emerged in the post-industrial world, and advanced communities struggle to achieve a knowledge-based economy. In this context, cities plays a central role in this process and in order to create a sustainable competitive advantage trying to adapt with it. These trends and Transformations alerts us to the great mission of researchers and scientists in the field of urban studies in order to produce and exchange of basic knowledge in the field of urban issues. Moreover, they must create an urban environment in which development of science and technology motivated. The twenty-first century is millennium in which inattention and negligence to knowledge lead to negative consequences and will bring very unpleasant problems. In other words, South global become home to a variety of issues and challenges, and citizens will be ' remote control workers via low wages”. Investigation of criteria and papers also indicate that in the expert's view, ‘Novelty, Creativity, and Meaningfulness’, ‘ Sound methodological basis ’ and ‘following appropriate ethical guidelines’ criteria obtain higher rankings than other criteria in the production of knowledge while the scientific research articles in urban geography have been little attention to them.
Keywords: knowledge production, knowledge-based development, scientific research papers, urban geography
Keywords: knowledge production, knowledge-based development, scientific research papers, urban geography
Keywords: knowledge production, knowledge-based development, scientific research papers, urban geography
Keywords: knowledge production, knowledge-based development, scientific research papers, urban geography
Keywords: knowledge production, knowledge-based development, scientific research papers, urban geography
Keywords: knowledge production, knowledge-based development, scientific research papers, urban geography
Keywords: knowledge production, knowledge-based development, scientific research papers, urban geography
Keywords: knowledge production, knowledge-based development, scientific research papers, urban geography

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • knowledge production
  • knowledge based development
  • scientific research
  • papers
  • urban geography
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