ارزیابی و تحلیل رضایت مندی مدیران محلی از خدمات سازمان‌های محلی مطالعة موردی:‌ روستاهای شهرستان شیروان و چرداول

نوع مقاله : مقاله علمی پژوهشی


1 استادیار گروه جغرافیا و برنامه ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه تهران

2 دانشجوی کارشناسی ارشد جغرافیا و برنامه‌ریزی روستایی، دانشگاه تهران


این پژوهش با هدف سنجش و تحلیل رضایت مدیران محلی از عملکرد سازمان‌های محلی فعال در نواحی روستایی شهرستان شیروان و چرداول (استان ایلام) انجام شده است. حوزة پژوهش، تمامی روستاهای بالای 20 خانوار شهرستان است که در زمان پژوهش، شورای اسلامی داشته‌اند و جامعة آماری تحقیق نیز تمامی اعضای شورای اسلامی این روستاهاست. به‌دلیل ضرورت آگاهی از میزان رضایت روستاییان تمامی روستاها، مطالعه به‌صورت تمام‌شماری انجام شد و در مجموع، 445 پرسشنامة بسته از 168 روستای بالای 20 خانوار گردآوری شد. در این پژوهش، برای سنجش رضایت روستاییان از مدل شکاف کیفیت خدمات، برای تحلیل نتایج و ارزیابی نظر مدیران محلی از آزمون کای‌اسکوئر تک‌نمونه‌ای و برای مقایسه و سطح‌بندی رضایتمندی، از تحلیل خوشه‌ای استفاده شد. نتایج پژوهش نشان می‌دهد روستاییان، در مجموع از عملکرد سازمان‌های محلی، رضایت اندکی دارند. در این میان، روستاییان دهستان زردلان با امتیاز 5/3 (در بازة یک تا پنج) کمترین و روستاییان دهستان کارزان با امتیاز 53/3 بیشترین رضایت را از خدمات عمومی اعلام کردند. خدمات رسانة جمعی (رادیو و تلویزیون)، آنتن‌دهی موبایل، بیمة روستاییان و خدمات آموزش ابتدایی، بیشترین امتیاز رضایتمندی جامعة آماری را کسب کردند و در نهایت، نتایج تحلیل همبستگی نشان داد ارتباط مثبت و معناداری بین شاخص عمومی برخورداری، و ارتباط معکوس و معناداری بین شاخص میانگین فاصلة دسترسی با شاخص رضایت‌ عمومی وجود دارد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Assessment of local manager's satisfaction with local organizations service Case study: villages of shirvan va Chardavol County

نویسندگان [English]

  • Alireza Darban Astane 1
  • Morteza Ghanbari 2
  • Mohaddese Sahraee Khanghah 2
چکیده [English]

The services offered by the public organizations might be defined as intangible and totality of systems, activities and benefits which assists to resolve the nonphysical problems. The villagers' expectations on services gradually increased from the local organizations by reason of developing technologies and improvement of communications. In today's democratic governments to meet people and satisfy them to the community is important for People's participation in local governance and consequently it is important to organizational success. In rural areas, the range of services offered by local public organizations.
Quantitative assessments of service quality can also identify gaps between citizens’ perceptions of public organization services and that of managers. Finally, service quality assessments can be used as a strategic tool for marketing public services. Hence the purpose of this study was to measure and analyze the rural satisfaction of local organizations in shirvan va Chardavol County.
Theoretical bases
There are several approaches to measure satisfaction on which It pointed to the SERVQUAL and gap model. From that initial research, Parasuraman et al. developed a service quality instrument called SERVQUAL that consisted of 22 pairs of statements which measure customer expectations and perceptions of service delivered on a seven- or nine-point Likert scale. For each pair of statements, the gap difference between the two scores is calculated. The idea is that the service is good if perceptions meet or exceed expectations and problematic if perceptions fall below expectations.
Research Statistical Unit, is all rural households over 20 villages in county. Research Statistical population is all members of the village council and the study was done by counting all. The overall 510 questionnaires were collected from 168 villages. The data were collected using a closed questionnaire. The survey was administered in 2012 with the help of three field assistants.
The model of Service Quality Gaps was used to assess satisfaction and One sample Chi-square used to analysis and assessment of comments. Also Cluster analysis was used to compare and cluster the villagers' satisfaction and one way ANOVA tests and Duncan's post hoc test was used to compare the satisfaction of villagers in different counties. Pearson correlation was performed to identify which service quality dimensions were correlated strongly with citizen satisfaction. Data from 445 valid questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS version 16.
The study has also attempted to identify the most important service quality dimensions that determine citizen satisfaction with public services. The results showed that the villagers have little satisfaction in all of the local organizations. Average satisfaction index on a Likert scale was equal to 2.54 and also Average distance index to services was equal to 15.5 km. ZARDALAN sub district villagers are less and KARZAN sub district most satisfied with the public services. Cluster analyses showed that four group of services have Better performance. Firth group of services were include primary school, health center and rural telephone. Second group were radio, TV channels (two, one and three TV channels), rural electricity and mobile service. The third group was rural health insurance and the fourth group was Rural Water and road. Correlation analysis revealed a Positive correlation exists between index of rural Enjoyment and the public consensus. Also there is a negative correlation between index of distance access and the public consensus.
General results of the study indicate low satisfaction with the quality of local organizations in the city of Shirvan and Chrdavl villagers and this result showed the importance of local organizations to provide comprehensive services. Especially the spatial distribution of rural satisfaction, showed that Dissatisfaction in underserved sub district (Zrdlan) is broader and more perceptible
One of the research results is that the index of rural Enjoyment is important in explanation of the villagers Satisfactory. Although at first glance this result seems reasonable and acceptable, but expected that successful projects can make it difficult to provide Hierarchical Regionalization. Because the main goal of such schemes, the economic and efficient use of infrastructure services and provide higher level services to all villages to a point, not logical nor scientific.
So it seems despit some deficiencies in the services area, rural views to the functioning of such institutions must change as well.
Keywords: rural satisfaction, local organizations, service quality, shirvan va Chardavol County

Quantitative assessments of service quality can also identify gaps between citizens’ perceptions of public organization services and that of managers. Finally, service quality assessments can be used as a strategic tool for marketing public services. Hence the purpose of this study was to measure and analyze the rural satisfaction of local organizations in shirvan va Chardavol County.
Research Statistical Unit, is all rural households over 20 villages in county. Research Statistical population is all members of the village council and the study was done by counting all. The overall 445 questionnaires were collected from 168 villages. The data were collected using a closed questionnaire.
The model of Service Quality Gaps was used to assess satisfaction and One sample Chi-square used to analysis and assessment of comments. Also Cluster analysis was used to compare and cluster the villagers' satisfaction and one way ANOVA tests and Duncan's post hoc test was used to compare the satisfaction of villagers in different counties. Pearson correlation was performed to identify which service quality dimensions were correlated strongly with citizen satisfaction.
The results showed that the villagers have little satisfaction in all of the local organizations. ZARDALAN sub district villagers are less and KARZAN sub district most satisfied with the public services. Correlation analysis revealed a Positive correlation exists between index of rural Enjoyment and the public consensus. Also there is a negative correlation between index of distance access and the public consensus.
General results of the study indicate low satisfaction with the quality of local organizations in the city of Shirvan and Chrdavl villagers and this result showed the importance of local organizations to provide comprehensive services. Especially the spatial distribution of rural satisfaction, showed that Dissatisfaction in underserved sub district (Zrdlan) is broader and more perceptible

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • rural satisfaction
  • local organizations service
  • shirvan va Chardavol County
  • Cluster Analysis
  • SERVQUAL Model
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